Gridmetrics Launches Power Event Notification System (PENS)
August 24, 2021
PENS utilizes a unique dataset to provide near real-time, hyperlocal insights into the availability and quality of power from the electrical grid. By providing an observational view of the state of power in the last mile of the distribution grid, PENS aids in the identification of power vulnerable populations or facilities.
FERC Begins Reform Process to Build the Transmission System of the Future
July 19, 2021
"As the generation fleet shifts at an unprecedented rate from resources located closer to population centers towards resources located far from load centers, we must evaluate whether our transmission planning and cost allocation and generator interconnection processes require a more innovative and anticipatory approach," FERC Chairman Rich Glick said. "A piecemeal approach to expanding the transmission system is not going to get the job done. We must take steps today to build the transmission that tomorrow's new generation resources will require."
NYPA to Test Artificial Intelligence Technology's Use in Upgrading Transmission Cable
July 13, 2021
NYPA will collaborate with Eneryield, which provides machine learning algorithms for intelligent energy analytics and control of electricity flow, to demonstrate the use of new technology to identify possible solutions to detect faults and help strengthen and upgrade the Long Island Sound Cable, which is currently being evaluated for long-term repairs.
New Legislation Facilitates Renewable Development via Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs)
June 24, 2021
"Coming from the wind industry, I understand the pain that renewable developers feel as they wait years and pay upwards of hundreds of millions of dollars to interconnect to the grid. This legislation would ensure that fast, low-cost solutions like Smart Wires and other GETs are considered as grid operators seek to resolve the system constraints created when new generators connect," commented Peter Wells, Smart Wires CEO.
DOE Announces Up to $8.25 Billion in Loans to Enhance Electrical Transmission Nationwide
April 28, 2021
In support of the Biden Administration's commitment to modernize the nation's power grid and infrastructure and deliver 100% clean energy to businesses and homeowners by 2035, the U.S. Department of Energy this week announced the availability of up to $8.25 billion in loans from its Loan Programs Office (LPO) and the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) for efforts to expand and improve the nation's transmission grid.
New MIT Study Shows The Value of Long-Distance Transmission
December 11, 2020 | MIT
"It's high time for our political leaders to embrace the role of a Macro Grid, which will deliver the affordable, pollution-free electricity consumers and businesses want and deserve," says Tracy Warren, Director of the Macro Grid Initiative.
New Survey Finds More Countries Turning to Macro Grids to Enable Energy Transition
November 24, 2020
"Despite multiple research studies demonstrating the significant economic benefits of a Macro Grid, the U.S. now lags behind its peers with an antiquated electric grid and transmission system," said Tracy Warren, Director of the Macro Grid Initiative. "An advanced Macro Grid will help us compete internationally with countries that have already built high-voltage long distance lines, and it will also enable the integration of higher levels of renewable power."
Western EIM Posts Record $119 Million in Quarterly Benefits Results
November 3, 2020
The Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), operated by the California Independent System Operator, set a second record in 2020 with $119.3 million in quarterly economic benefits. This year's third quarter results marks the highest level of gross benefits achieved for the Western EIM since the real-time energy market launched in 2014, and raises the cumulative benefits to $1.11 billion.
Global Power System Transformation Consortium (G-PST) Launches
October 21, 2020
The goal of the consortium is to dramatically accelerate the transition to low emission and low cost, secure, and reliable power systems, contributing to >50% emission reductions of all pollutants globally over the next 10 years by enabling the efficient integration of substantial clean energy investments into power systems.
MISO and SPP to Conduct Joint Study Targeting Interconnection Challenges
September 28, 2020
The joint study will focus on solutions that the RTOs believe will offer benefits to both their interconnection customers and end use consumers of RTO member companies. While MISO and SPP have an existing Joint Operating Agreement that allows them to work through reliability issues, existing processes do not include the simultaneous evaluation of benefits, or allocation of cost, to both load and interconnection customers.
ISO-NE Proposes to Advance Eversource and National Grid Ready Path Solution
July 1, 2020
According to ISO-NE, the closing of the Mystic Generating Station could create significant reliability risks in the Boston area, including overloaded transmission lines and overall system instability. Eight developers submitted a total of 36 proposals to ISO-NE, which ranged in cost from $49 million to $745 million.
Macro Grid Initiative Launches to Expand and Upgrade America's Transmission Network
June 23, 2020
The American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) and Americans for a Clean Energy Grid (ACEG) recently launched the Macro Grid Initiative to build support for expanding and upgrading the nation's transmission network. A 21st century Macro Grid will deliver jobs and economic development, a cleaner environment, and lower costs for consumers, according to the two organizations.
MISO Deploys GridUnity Platform to Streamline Electric Generation Interconnection
June 2, 2020
GridUnity announced this week that the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) has rolled out the company's cloud-based new generation interconnection queue application tool to simplify and streamline the process for its power generators. MISO provides transmission service and oversight for a region which stretches from Louisiana to Michigan, Minnesota and Manitoba.
ABB Partners with China's State Grid to Integrate Large-Scale Renewables
April 13, 2020
The 1,700-kilometer Yazhong-Nanchang link is part of China's West-East Electricity Transmission initiative. The transmission links will be among the world's most powerful. Each link will transport up to 8,000 megawatts of electricity - individually enough power to meet the needs of around eight million people in China.
A total of five projects will be installed in 2020. These projects will contain a total of 375 MVAr of power flow control capability. The projects are anticipated to increase boundary capabilities by 1.5 gigawatts in total across three boundaries. This facilitates increased power transfers of 500 megawatts from Scotland to England, enough power to supply more than 250,000 homes.
WIRES, the international trade association that promotes investment in the high voltage grid, and several other organizations in the electric power space announced this week a Statement of Principles for advancing development of a modern electric transmission grid. The Statement was agreed to by a diverse coalition of 10 U.S. and Canadian organizations following the International Summit on the Electric Transmission Grid, held last month at the Embassy of Canada.